

Syntax: view:scroll_end()

Scrolls the current view to the end of the signal.


Syntax: view:scroll_left()

Scrolls the current view by 1/10 of the currently visible range towards the start of the signal. If the start of the signal is reached the visible area starts at offset zero.


Syntax: view:scroll_next()

Scrolls the current view towards the end of the signal by the currently visible range.


Syntax: view:scroll_next_label()

Scrolls right and tries to show the next label centered in the view. If there was no label right from the current position, it will scroll to the end of the signal.


Syntax: view:scroll_prev()

Scrolls the current view towards the start of the signal by the currently visible range.


Syntax: view:scroll_prev_label()

Scrolls left and tries to show the previous label centered in the view. If there was no label left from the current position, it will scroll to the start of the signal.


Syntax: view:scroll_right()

Scrolls the current view by 1/10 of the currently visible range towards the end of the signal. If the end of the signal is reached the visible area ends at the end of the signal.


Syntax: view:scroll_start()

Scrolls the current view to the start of the signal.


Syntax: view:zoom_all()

Adjusts the zoom factor so that the complete signal is visible in the current view.


Syntax: view:zoom_in([position])

Reduces the zoom factor (in samples per pixel) by 30%, so that more details get visible. If a position is given, it tries to show that position centered in the current view, otherwise the center of the view before the zoom change is used for centering. The minimum zoom factor is limited to a minimum of five samples per width of the view.


position:a zero based position in samples to center the view (optional)

See also



Syntax: view:zoom_normal()

Sets the zoom factor to one pixel per sample (factor 1.0) and tries to keep the previous center of the view.


Syntax: view:zoom_out([position])

Increases the zoom factor (in samples per pixel) by 30%, so that less details get visible. If a position is given, it tries to show that position centered in the current view, otherwise the center of the view before the zoom change is used for centering. The maximum zoom factor is limited to the number of samples of the complete signal and the width of the view.


position:a zero based position is samples to center the view (optional)

See also



Syntax: view:zoom_selection()

Adjusts the view (zoom factor and start of visible area) so that it matches the current selection. This command does nothing if the selection is empty.