

Syntax: save()

Corresponds to the Save toolbar button. Saves the current file if it has modifications. If the file does not already have a name (e.g. a file that has just been created and does not yet have a file name), this command does the same as saveas().

See also



Syntax: saveas([filename])

Saves the currently opened file under a given file name. If no file name is given as parameter, a dialog will be shown to select the directory and to enter a file name.


filename:file name for saving (optional)


Syntax: saveselect()

This command does the same as save(), but saves only the currently selected range and the activated tracks instead of the whole file.

See also



Syntax: select_gui_type(mode)

Select a GUI mode, which can be either SDI, MDI or Tab mode. Please be aware that this change will immediately take effect!


filename: name of the mode, must be either SDI, MDI or TAB.


Syntax: select_track:all()

Mark all tracks enabled. This is the same as calling the command select_track:on() for all existing tracks.


Syntax: select_track:all()

Invert the enabled state of all tracks. This is the same as calling the command select_track:toggle() for all existing tracks.


Syntax: select_track:none()

Mark all tracks disabled. This is the same as calling the command select_track:off() for all existing tracks.


Syntax: select_track:off(index)

Disables a single track, so that it does not get affected by most operations.


index:index of the track, starting with zero


Syntax: select_track:on(index)

Enables a single track, so that it gets affected by all operations.


index:index of the track, starting with zero


Syntax: select_track:toggle(index)

Enables a track if it is currently disabled, or disables it if it is currently enabled.


index:index of the track, starting with zero


Syntax: selectall()

Selects the range of the whole signal, from the first to the last sample.


Syntax: selectnext()

Selects a range of samples that starts right after the current selection, using the same length as the current selection. The selection is automatically clipped to the end of the signal. For example: if you have selected samples 1000 ... 1019, then the result will be a selection from sample 1020 ... 1039.

See also



Syntax: selectnextlabels()

Selects a range of samples between the next two labels after the current selection. If nothing is selected, it selects from the start of the signal up to the first label. Otherwise the left border of the new selection will be the position of first label after the selection (or the last label if there are no more labels right from the selection), and the right border of the new selection will be the first label after the left border of the new selection (or the end of the signal if there is none). This command returns an error when there are no labels at all.


Syntax: selectnone()

Resets the selection to zero length.


Syntax: selectprev()

Selects a range of samples that starts left from the current selection, using the same length as the current selection. The selection is automatically clipped to the start of the signal. For example: if you have selected samples 1000 ... 1019, then the result will be a selection from sample 980 ... 999.

See also



Syntax: selectprevlabels()

Selects a range of samples between the previous two labels before the current selection. If nothing is selected, it selects from the start of the signal up to the first label. Otherwise the right border of the new selection will be the position of first label before the selection (or the first label if there are no more labels left from the selection), and the left border of the new selection will be the first label before the right border of the new selection (or the start of the signal if there is none). This command returns an error when there are no labels at all.


Syntax: selecttoleft()

Sets the start of the selection to the start of the signal, the end of the current selection stays unchanged.

See also



Syntax: selecttoright()

Sets the end of the selection to the end of the signal, the start of the current selection stays unchanged.

See also



Syntax: selectvisible()

Selects the range of samples that is visible in the current window.


Syntax: start()

Corresponds to the Start toolbar button and lets the playback start from the beginning of the selection or continue if it is currently paused.

See also



Syntax: stop()

Corresponds to the Stop toolbar button and lets the playback stop if it is currently running.

See also



Syntax: sync()

Waits until all commands which have been started asynchronously have finished. If nothing is currently queued for delayed execution this command has no effect.

See also
