- Internal Name:
- Plugin Type:
- Description:
Saves all sections between markers into a separate file and creates a K3b project file. After having successfully written all files it is possible to start K3b and burn the result to an audio CD. This is useful for splitting a file with a recording that consists of several parts, which are separated by labels, and then burn it to an audio CD with multiple tracks, including CD text meta data which is extracted from the descriptions of the labels.
(This plugin is internally using the saveblocks (Save Blocks) plugin.)
- Parameters:
The name of the K3b project file, will be used as base name for the exported file names.
A pattern that will be used for detecting title and artist from the label at the start of a section. It supports the following wildcards which will be replaced by the corresponding content when creating the CD text meta data:
wildcard description [%artist] Will be replaced with the artist that performed the corresponding block or alternatively the author. [%title] Will be replaced with the title of the block, which is taken from the descriptive text of the label at the start of the block. If that text is empty it will fall back to the title of the file (see file information item "Name"). If this also does not exist, it will fall back to the base file name as described above. Example: “
[%title] ([%artist])
” will detect author “Beethoven
” and title “Symphony No. 5
” from the string “Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven)
”.selection only
value description 0 Save all sections of the whole file. 1 Save only the sections that are within the current selection. If nothing is selected, the whole file will be saved. export location
Determines where the blocks should be saved.
value description 0 Save to the same directory as the K3b project file. 1 Save into a subdirectory of the directory of the K3b project file, using the K3b project file name as base and appending “ .dir
”.overwrite policy
Determines where the numbering should start.
value description 0 Always start with index 1, with the risk of overwriting existing files. 1 Continue after the index of the highest index that already exists, this avoids overwriting existing files.