Kwave since its first version uses an internal text command language. This command language is used internally for menu handling, GUI control, builtin effects and plugin invocations. The commands will be described later in the section Command Reference.
All commands consist of a command name and an optional parameter list in round brackets, depending on the command.
Allowed characters for command names are letters, digits and colon. Commands are case sensitive and are always in lower case.
Parameters within a parameter list are separated by comma.
Numerical parameters can be given as fixed point numbers or as floating point numbers, using a dot as decimal separator.
String parameters are automatically trimmed (all white space at the start and at the end is removed). If that is not wanted, they can be surrounded by double quotes ("). If a string parameter contains special characters (like “,”, “;”, “#” or a “\” itself), these special characters have to be escaped by preceding a “\”.
Multiple commands can be concatenated to a command list by using a “;” as separator.
,"This is an \"example\" comment."
This example consists of the command fileinfo() and has two
parameters: the keyword Comments
and the text
“"This is an \"example\" comment."
(These parameters are explained in the corresponding section in the command reference).