Fetching sources from GIT

Checking out the sources

For initially checking out the sources you will need some disk space (about 25 megabytes) in a directory of your choice, the git package of your favorite distribution and full access to the Internet. If you get error messages about rejected connections you either have typed something wrong or your provider doesn't give you full access. A good place for the source files will be "$HOME/src".

  1. First create the directory that will receive the subdirectory with Kwave sources and change into it:

        % mkdir -p $HOME/src
        % cd $HOME/src

  2. Then check out the latest sources from the GIT server:

        % git clone https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kwave.git kwave

    or you can check out a specific release with the following commands:

        % git clone https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kwave.git kwave
        % cd kwave
        % git checkout tags/[release-tag] 

    You can look up the names of the release tags in the git web page at https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kwave/-/tags/. Older release tags (until v0.9.2) are built out of the word Release- and the version number of the release, with underscores instead of dots. Newer release tags consist only of a version number (starting with v16.11.80). For example "v20.07.70" for v20.07.70.


There must not be a directory named kwave under the directory you want to check out. Otherwise the git program will complain about already existing files and the checkout will not work.

Updating fresh sources from GIT

The procedure described in the previous section is only necessary once. For further updates it is much easier. Just change into the directory where you have the checked out sources and do the following to update to the latest version:

    % git pull


If you think that you have messed up your local source tree or if there are conflicts during updating and you want to start through from a clean state, you can do the following to discard all local changes and switch back to the latest version from the master branch:

    % git clean --force -d
    % git reset --hard
    % git checkout master